Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weed Relocation Project

Driving off to work today, I noticed some lovely flowers along the road in front of my house.  Knowing I’d be cutting this strip of grass this weekend, I decided to embark on a weed relocation project, since beautiful weeds need to be loved and cared for.
What they are, I cannot tell right now.  The internet does not want to cooperate with me, and my Peterson’s guide hasn’t made it to Virginia, apparently, to meet these three. When I find out, I’ll add them to the labels for this post.
So why relocate these?  Because they’re beautiful, natural, and should be allowed to thrive.  How many times have you discovered something or someone you weren’t planning to encounter, but in doing so, the world seemed to realign with such significance.  If you’re a gardener, you’ve heard the quote:  “A weed is a plant whose purpose has yet to be discovered.”  I’d say if it catches my attention in its beauty, then I need no other purpose.  And since a garden is a metaphor for life, you bet I will give these gifts an opportunity to grow with love and care.
To help the plant thrive in a new home, here are the steps:
1:  Grasp enough to allow its roots to come along for the ride. 
2:  Find a suitable home with room to spread out and friends to mingle with.

3:  Nourish
Such interesting features when you turn it over!
4:  Revel in and enjoy its beauty

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